Full therapeutic services and some evaluation services can be provided via HIPAA-compliant video conferencing programs. Telehealth services can be provided to anyone in the State of Florida. There are several circumstances where telehealth is a good option, even the preferred option at times. First, it is a good fit for those who work full time, as we often have sessions over a “lunch hour,” or a late afternoon or immediately after work. For clients who live far away, it completely eliminates the need for scheduling in driving time, the chance of getting stuck in traffic, or even the gas bill. We also have several parents who are caring for younger children that benefit from being able to be home and not have to find childcare to come to their sessions.
For some of our adolescents, teens, and young adults, telehealth is actually the preferred option. However, telehealth services are not ideal or recommended for some mental health conditions or circumstances. For example, those with active psychosis or active thoughts about suicide, in-person therapy is a better fit. We will have one of our doctors consult with you to assess for fit for telehealth services, or we typically schedule the initial session in the office and make the determination to move you to telehealth afterwards.
Our providers will provide a link for you to connect prior to your first session.